About Me.
I'm a Pre-Final Year CSE Undergrad at IIIT Jabalpur.
Currently working on Devops Tools ✈️
For any sort help / enquiry, shoot a mail and I'll get back. I swear.
Job Opportunities
I'm looking for a job currently, If you see me as a good fit, check my CV and I'd love to work for you.
Social Links
I've been developing full-stack application since last two years. My working fields include Full Stack Web Development, Web3 Blockchain Development, Devops Tools, AI & ML Models
I've been coding in React.js, Next.js, Docker, AWS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Django, React Native, FastAPI, MySQL, Tailwind, C, C++, Python, Solidity, Ether etc to name a few more. Although I barely know the syntax (Psst, Stack overflow!), I consider myself a Enthusiastic developer.
Tech Stack